1985. Was born in Recife, Pernambuco. Lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil.

Available Works


His relationship with art is directly connected with the graphic image. He started his career as a teenager when he tried urban interventions in the streets of Recife, where he mainly dedicated himself to mural painting. Under the strong influence of graffiti and brazilian popular art, especially the aesthetics of the local woodcut, he began to spread symbolic and impacting figures throughout the city center where he gained notoriety and drew the attention of the general public.

Soon he had his first participation in an exhibition, which was collective Estética da Periferia at the Museum of Modern Art Aloísio Magalhães, Recife, 2007; then he was invited to work with the great engraver Gilvan Samico at the 47th Exhibition of Plastic Arts of Pernambuco Narratives at Madeira e Muro, Museu do Estado, Recife, 2008. The first solo exhibition took place at Galeria Artur Fidalgo in Rio de Janeiro,2011. Later, he had participated in the collective Autivistas at Galeria Oscar Cruz, São Paulo, 2013.

At the same time, he continued to dedicate himself to mural painting, where he created large panels on the building’s walls, for example. We highlight the achievements in the cities of Amsterdam (HOL) and Lisbon (PT), 2012. Newcastle (UK), 2013 and the mural inside the Brazilian Embassy in London (UK), 2016.

Main solo exhibitions:
2019 - A Beleza do Tempo, Amparo60 galeria, Recife - PE
2018 - O Reinado da Lua, Artur Fidalgo galeria, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
2014 - Ouro Branco, Artur Fidalgo galeria, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
2013 - Memórias, Dumaresq galeria de arte, Recife - PE
2012 - Reis, Rainhas e Plebeus – Centro Cultural Furnas Eletrobrás, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
2012 - O Novo Mundo Livre, Funarte, Recife - PE
2011 - Derlon, Artur Fidalgo galeria, Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Collective exhibitions:
2019 - Coletiva 70, Casa70 Lisboa - PT
2016 - Brazilian Street Art, Horniman Museum, London - UK
2015 - Villa Ocupada, Nantes - FR.2014 – Arte Core, MAM (Museu de Arte Moderna), Rio de Janeiro - RJ
2014 - De l’Art à l’Ourcq, Paris - FR
2013 - Autivistas, Oscar Cruz galeria, São Paulo - SP
2012 - Mix Max Brazil – Tropenmuseum Junior, Amsterdã - HOL
2011 - Derlon & Seth, Atelier du Passe Partout, Saint Brieuc-FR.2010 – Ocupação Chico Science, Itaú Cultural, São Paulo - SP
2010 - Derlon & Galo, Arte Plural galeria, Recife - PE
2009 - Da Rua : Que Pintura É Essa, Funarte, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
2009 - Derlon e a Incrível Metamorfose Macunamouse (colaboração com Franklin Cassaro), Graphos Brasil, Rio de Janeiro - RJ
2008 - Narrativas em Madeira e Muro – Samico e Derlon, 47o Salão de Artes Plásticas de Pernambuco, Museu do Estado (MEP), Recife - PE
2007 - Estética da Periferia, Museu de Arte Moderna Aloísio Magalhães (MAMAM), Recife - PE
2006 - Semana de Artes Visuais (SPA), Recife - PE
2005 - Semana de Artes Visuais (SPA), Recife - PE 

Elisangela Valadares